Kyoungwon Seo
Assistant Professor
[Google Scholar]
Major: Human-Computer Interaction, Deep Learning, Augmented/Virtual Reality
 Office: Sangsang Hall #405  Tel: 02-970-9777  Email:

 2014.03. ~ 2018.08., Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University
 2006.02. ~ 2014.02., B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University

 2024.07. ~ current, Outside director, LetinAR (Korea)

 2024.01. ~ current, Committee, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Information Policy Review Committee (Korea)

 2023.03. ~ current, Committee, Ministry of Science and ICT, Digital Society (Korea)

 2020.09. ~ current, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied AI, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Korea)

 2022.01. ~ 2023.12., Vice Provost, Office of International Affairs, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Korea)

 2018.08. ~ 2020.08., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of British Columbia (Canada)
 2018.06., Organizing CommitteeACM TVX
 2016, Visiting Researcher, University of Sussex (UK)
 2013, Visiting Researcher, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (France)

 Professional Activities
 Associate Chair, ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX)
 Reviewer, Computers & Education
 Reviewer, International Journal of Educational Technologies in Higher Education
 Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

 Reviewer, Instructional Design 

 Reviewer, Psychological Reports
 Reviewer, Learning and Instruction

 Reviewer, ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)

 Awards & Grants
 2023.07. ~ 2025.12., Principal Investigator, International Joint Research Grant (KRW 1 billion), IITP

 2024.04. ~ 2024.09., Principal Investigator, Private Company Grant (KRW 33 million), ONCLEV

 2024.04. ~ 2024.09., Principal Investigator, Private Company Grant (KRW 33 million), ONCLEV

 2021.03. ~ 2024.02., Principal Investigator, Excellent Research Grant (KRW 550 million), Ministry of Science and ICT [Completed]

 2021.06. ~ 2024.02., Co-Investigator, Basic Research Laboratory Grant (KRW 1.2 billion), Ministry of Science and ICT [Completed] 

 2023.06. ~ 2023.12., Principal Investigator, Private Company Grant (KRW 33 million), SUNGHA [Completed]
 2023.06. ~ 2023.12., Principal Investigator, Industry-University Joint Research & Development Grant (KRW 48 million), LINC 3.0 [Completed]
 2023.06. ~ 2023.11., Principal Investigator, AI-based Education Research Grant (KRW 33 million), Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education [Completed]
 2022.05. ~ 2022.10., Principal Investigator, AI-based Education Research Grant (KRW 50 million), Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education [Completed]

 2021.08. ~ 2022.07., Principal Investigator, University International Research Grant (KRW 6 million), SeoulTech [Completed]

 2021.08. ~ 2022.07., Principal Investigator, University Research Grant (KRW 6 million), SeoulTech [Completed]
 2021.06. ~ 2021.12., Co-Investigator, Arts & Technology Grant (KRW 50 million), Arts Council Korea [Completed]
 2021.01. ~ 2021.04., Co-Investigator, Art & Technology Grant (KRW 50 million), Seoul Arts Center [Completed]
 2020.11. ~ 2021.10., Principal Investigator, New Faculty Start-up Grant (KRW 10 million), SeoulTech [Completed]
 2019.09. ~ 2020.08., Principal Investigator, 4th Industrial Revolution PostDoc Fellowship (KRW 50 million), Ministry of Science and ICT [Completed]
 2016, Visiting Research Fellowship (University of Sussex, UK), National Research Foundation of Korea [Completed]
 2014, Research Competition First-Place Award, ACM CHI (International CS top conference) [Completed]
 2013, Visiting Research Fellowship (Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France), National Research Foundation of Korea [Completed]

 2023, System for early diagnosis of dementia and Method for early diagnosis of dementia using the same

 2020, Engagement guarantee system using a gamification method (US)


 2018, MCI Screening System using Behavior Data from Immersive VR Platform and its related Method
 2015, Method for Measurement Band Wagon Effect using Serious Game
 2015, Method and Apparatus for Matching of Persuasive Factor based on Motivation

 Teaching Courses
 Human-Computer Interaction (undergrad, grad): 2023, 2022

 Special Lecture Series on Artificial Intelligence (grad): 2022

 Deep Learning (undergrad): 2022

 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (undergrad): 2021

 Object-Oriented Programming (undergrad): 2021
 Probability and Statistics (undergrad): 2023, 2021
 Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence (undergrad): 2020, 2022

 2024.02. (국회도서관 웹진) 국회도서관, 2024도 제1국가전략 콜로키움개최

 2022.10. (에듀프레스) 서울시내 교사 53% "서울형 에듀테크 플랫폼 한 번도 활용한 적 없다" 

 2021.11. (인공지능신문) 과기정통부, 인공지능 개발안내서·윤리 자율점검표·윤리 교육 총론에 대한 의견 수렴 위한 공개 세미나 개최

 2021.11. (디지털데일리) 추상적 AI개발 원칙 구체화…인공지능 개발 가이드북 방향성 주목

 2023.06., Keynote Speaker, Institute for Higher Education (Title: Direction of Teaching and Learning Support in the Age of Generative AI)
 2023.05., Speaker, Inclusive Design and Accessibility Seminar (Title: Measuring and Preventing Kiosk Users' Technostress using AI in Virtual Reality)
 2023.05., Speaker, Education Commission Asia Lecture (Title: High Touch High Tech for AI in Education)
 2023.05., Speaker, Nowon-gu Office University Student Special Lecture (Title: What is the Rest in the Age of Artificial Intelligence?)
 2023.05., Speaker, Daejin Girls' High School Special Lecture (Title: Who are you Artificial Intelligence?)
 2023.05., Panel, Korean Neurological Association Smart Healthcare Forum (Title: Human-AI Partnership for Smart Healthcare)
 2023.04., Panel, IITP Future Education Policy Meeting (Title: AI-based Customized Education Service)
 2023.03., Speaker, Digital Society EduTech Forum (Title: AI-based Customized Education Service)
 2023.02., Speaker, Education Commission Asia Lecture (Title: High Touch High Tech for AI in Education)
 2023.01., Speaker, University of Seoul Engineering Education Innovation Center Workshop (Title: Human-AI Interaction for Engineering Education)
 2022.12., Keynote Speaker, The 8th Annual Conference of Vietnamese Young Scientist (Title: Human-AI Interaction Design for a Human-centered Future)

 2022.12., Panel, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (Title: The Impact of AI on Work) 

 2022.11., Speaker, UST Angelicum College (Title: Building a Sustainable Future Through Innovative Technologies)

 2022.10., Speaker, Nowon Career Center for Youth and Future (Title: Special Lecture on Metaverse)

 2022.05., Speaker, Seoul National University (Title: For a Successful Human-AI Interaction Design)

 2022.03., Speaker, Hanyang University CSE Convergence Seminar (Title: What's Wrong with Human-AI Interaction?)

 2021.06., Speaker, Inha University (Title: AI in Education) 

 2021.06., Speaker, Korean Research Institute for Learning Analytics (Title: Artificial Intelligence for Video-based Learning at Scale) 

 2021.02., SpeakerHanyang University (Title: Designing Human-AI Interaction for Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Education)

 2020.11., Speaker, University of Seoul (Title: Human-AI Interaction)