No. | Publication Details |
7 | Domestic Conference Effects of Tool Description Language on Language Model’s Tool Calling in Korean DialogueSeung Eon Cha, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2025 HCI Korea Conference |
6 | Domestic Conference Digital mental health intervention with virtual agent: impact of guidance approaches on stress reduction in young adultsDana You, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2025 HCI Korea Conference |
5 | Domestic Conference | Best Paper Award The impact of self-disclosing chatbots for academic stress assessment on student self-reflectionMinyoung Park, Bogyeom Park, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2025 HCI Korea Conference |
4 | Domestic Conference | Best Paper Award ArguePro: Enhancing argumentation skills through active learning with chatbotsSabin Lee, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2025 HCI Korea Conference |
3 | Domestic Conference A deep learning model for stress level recognition utilizing neutral and stress state of remote photoplethysmographyHyeonju Keum, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2025 HCI Korea Conference |
2 | Domestic Conference Active learning with chatbot: How students engage in argumentative writing with chatbotDongyub Lee, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2025 HCI Korea Conference |
1 | International Conference How Large Language Models are Transforming Teachers' Assessment of Student Competency: A Case Study on LLM-Based Report WritingDongyub Lee, Daejung Kim, Martin Loeser, Kyoungwon Seo2025 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) |
No. | Publication Details |
13 | International JournalsEarly Detection of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment Through EEG-SSVEP-Based Machine Learning ModelDohyun Kim, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Martin Loeser, Kyoungwon Seo IEEE ACCESS | SCIE, Q2 |
12 | International Conference Advancing Mild Cognitive Impairment Detection: Integrating VR, MRI, and Neuropsychological Insights for Comprehensive DiagnosisBogyeom Park, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo2024 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications (ITC-CSCC) |
11 | International Journals Exploring the Relationship between Behavioral and Neurological Impairments Due to Mild Cognitive Impairment: Correlation Study between Virtual Kiosk Test and EEG-SSVEPDohyun Kim, Yuwon Kim, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Martin Loeser, Kyoungwon SeoSENSORS | SCIE, Q1 |
10 | International ConferenceDecoding Behavior: Utilizing Virtual Reality Digital Marker and Machine Learning for Early Detection of Mild Cognitive ImpairmentYuwon Kim, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Martin Loeser, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon SeoExtended Abstracts of the CHI Conference | acceptance rate: 33.8% |
9 | International Conference Exploring the Multimodal Integration of VR and MRI Biomarkers for Enhanced Early Detection of Mild Cognitive ImpairmentBogyeom Park, Yuwon Kim, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Seong-Eun Kim, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference | acceptance rate: 33.8% |
8 | International Journals The impact of AI-based course-recommender system on students’ course-selection decision-making processSeungeon Cha, Martin Loeser, Kyoungwon SeoApplied Sciences | SCIE, Q2 |
7 | International Journals Integrating biomarkers from virtual reality and magnetic resonance imaging for early detection of mild cognitive impairment using a multimodal learning approach: Validation studyBogyeom Park, Yuwon Kim, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Seong-Eun Kim, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon SeoJournal of Medical Internet Research | SCIE, Q1, top 3% |
6 | International Journals Augmented Teachers: K–12 Teachers’ Needs for Artificial Intelligence’s Complementary Role in Personalized LearningKyoungwon Seo, Mina Yoo, Samuel Dodson, Sung-Hee JinJournal of Research on Technology in Education | SCIE, Q1, top 10% |
5 | International Conference Early Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Multimodal VR-EP-EEG-MRI (VEEM) Biomarkers via Machine LearningSe Young Kim, Bogyeom Park, Dohyun Kim, Hojin Choi, Jinseok Park, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon Seo2024 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) |
4 | International Journals Improving counseling effectiveness with virtual counselors through nonverbal compassion involving eye contact, facial mimicry, and head-noddingDoo Sung Choi, Jongyoul Park, Martin Loeser, Kyoungwon SeoScientific Reports | SCIE, Q2 |
3 | Domestic Conference Artificial intelligence-based heritage tree disease diagnosis using transfer learning: A case study of Zelkova serrataSabin Lee, Bogyeom Park, Daejung Kim, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2024 HCI Korea Conference |
2 | Domestic Conference ChatGPT as an Assistant of Human Teacher: Student Competency Analysis through Prompt EngineeringChaeyoung Song, Minyoung Park, Daejung Kim, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2024 HCI Korea Conference |
1 | Domestic Conference Enhancing memory through increased social presence via active interaction with a virtual agent in VR memory training task: feasibility and usability studyDana You, Se Young Kim, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2024 HCI Korea Conference |
No. | Publication Details |
8 |
International Journals VR-EP-EEG-MRI digital biomarkers: Multi-modal machine learning model for detecting mild cognitive impairmentHojin Choi, Seung Hyun Kim, Jinseok Park, Kyoungwon Seo, Seong-Eun Kim, Hokyoung Ryu, Seong-Eun Kim, Chanwoo Shin, Junyeop YimJournal of the Neurological Sciences | SCIE, Q2 |
7 |
International JournalsDigital Marker for Early Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment through Hand and Eye Movement Analysis in Virtual Reality using Machine Learning: First Validation StudySe Young Kim, Jinseok Park, Hojin Choi, Martin Loeser, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon SeoJournal of Medical Internet Research | SCIE, Q1, top 3% |
6 | International Journals Supporting students’ self-regulated learning in online learning using artificial intelligence applicationsSung-Hee Jin, Kowoon Im, Mina Yoo, Ido Roll, Kyoungwon SeoInternational Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | SSCI, Q1, top 2% |
5 | Domestic Conference Passive vs. Active: Which behavior is better for predicting at-risk students in online learning?Minyoung Park, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2023 HCI Korea Conference |
4 | Domestic Conference Counterfactual vs. Prefactual: Two narrative AIs improve causability for health data by different mechanismsHyobin Park, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2023 HCI Korea Conference |
3 | Domestic Conference Virtual kiosk test for early screening of mild cognitive impairment through eye tracking data analysisSe Young Kim, Jin-seok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2023 HCI Korea Conference |
2 | Domestic Conference Deep learning model for early screening of patients with alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using EEG-SSVEPDohyun Kim, Jin-seok Park, Hojin Choi, Hokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon SeoProceedings of the 2023 HCI Korea Conference |
1 | International Journals Resting-state electroencephalographic characteristics related to mild cognitive impairmentsSeong-Eun Kim, Chanwoo Shin, Junyeop Yim, Kyoungwon Seo, Hokyoung Ryu, Hojin Choi, Jinseok Park, Byoung-Kyong MinFrontiers in Psychiatry | SCIE, Q2 |
No. | Publication Details |
3 |
International JournalsTechnostress causes cognitive overload in high-stress people: Eye tracking analysis in a virtual kiosk testSe Young Kim, Hahyeon Park, Hongbum Kim, Joon Kim, Kyoungwon SeoInformation Processing & Management | SSCI, Q1, top 5% |
2 |
Domestic ConferenceThe digital fairness experiment in a virtual reality environmentWooyoung Jeong, Kyoungwon Seo, Jieun KimProceedings of the 2022 HCI Korea Conference |
1 |
International JournalsEarly Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment Through Hand Movement Analysis in Virtual Reality Based on Machine Learning: Screening of MCI Through Hand Movement in VRJinseok Park, Kyoungwon Seo, Seong-Eun Kim, Hokyoung Ryu, Hojin ChoiJournal of Cognitive Intervention and Digital Health |
No. | Publication Details |
5 |
International JournalsThe illusion of having a large virtual body biases action-specific perception in patients with mild cognitive impairmentHokyoung Ryu, Kyoungwon SeoScientific Reports | SCIE, Q1 |
4 | International JournalsThe impact of artificial intelligence on learner–instructor interaction in online learningKyoungwon Seo, Joice Tang, Ido Roll, Sidney Fels, Dongwook YoonInternational Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | SSCI, Q1, top 2% |
3 |
International JournalsGoldilocks conditions for workplace gamification: how narrative persuasion helps manufacturing workers create self-directed behaviorsKyoungwon Seo, Sidney Fels, Mujin Kang, Changho Jung, Hokyoung RyuHuman–Computer Interaction | SCIE, Q1 |
2 | International Conference NoteLink: A Point-and-Shoot Linking Interface between Students' Handwritten Notebooks and Instructional VideosRanjitha Jaddigadde Srinivasa, Samuel Dodson, Kyoungwon Seo, Dongwook Yoon, Sidney Fels2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) | acceptance rate: 30% |
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International JournalsActive learning with online video: The impact of learning context on engagementKyoungwon Seo, Samuel Dodson, Negar M Harandi, Nathan Roberson, Sidney Fels, Ido RollComputers & Education | SSCI, Q1, #1 in Education & Educational Research category |